Thursday, January 28, 2016

Simple ways to enlightenment

As per the double slit experiment- Quantum physics suggests that Reality is simply a fate of our imagination.
Meditation is the key
The moment we hear the word meditation, we wonder how can the practice of meditation create the magic in our lives.
But when we follow the right technique of meditation, we can be at peace and this in turn would give us a disease free life.
Body is like an electronic gadget, say a computer or Television.
The life source or prana is what which gives life to the human body, without which it is a dead body.
This powerful life source controls the body. And through proper meditation, you can control the body.

Greg Braden in his lectures says that
All the new gadgets that we build, mirror what the body is capable of.
So does that mean that we are toasters and heaters?  We may not be those exactly. But each cell in our body exhibits 1.17 volts of electrical energy. The cell acts like a capacitor and resistor, etc.
In fact most of us have always compared the computer to be more like a human in many ways.
Ok- so if the body is a great technology, how do we exhibit its power. The exhibition takes place thro our emotions and feelings.
Impt- Even your DNA pattern can change to cure diseases like hiv or cancer, if you change your belief system.
The internal technology was so highly developed in olden days that there was no need for external technology.

There is a force within us called the spirit and we have to come to terms with that spirit or prana.

Scientific facts: The whole universe/space and all animals are inter-connected. Why bec we are all made from the same matter. What is this matter. We all know that we are all made of atoms. When we look in to the structure of the atom- it is made of quantum energy. This quantum energy exists as waves with no beginning and no end and they are all related in some way. So putting in positive energy can heal any disease in a person.
Sub conscious mind- helps in the wking of heart beat, digestion, boold flow, brain wking, all functions in the body for which we don’t use our conscious level thinking.
While the conscious mind can think between what is rt and wrong, can compare, analyze and do whatever rationally, the sub conscious mind is irrational. It believes whatever the conscious mind re-inforces on it. This re-inforcement cud have come from our parents relatives, society, teachers etc. So by strongly reinforcing positive thinking and beliefs in to the sub-conscious mind through the conscious mind, you will see a great benefit. This will help you achieve any goals, bec the subconscious mind will continuously work to find a way to achieve what you strongly believe sub-consiously.

You can find a great solution to anything by setting right your sub-consious mind through your conscious mind- be it good health without any disease, happy marriage, happy relationship with people around you, with society, and almost any good thing you wud like to acvhieve can be done through this methodology, even earning a lot of money for a good cause.

Example- a vibration was passed thro a drop of water.  The freq was less at first and so there were wave patterns. As the frequency increased the waves became more complex design patterns. Similarly  in the humans, the thoughts, emotions, and feelings are vibrations. We are always feeling and emoting something. So we are holding a vibration pattern in the liquid crystal of our bodies.
Competition is not important but working together is impt. As Deepak Chopra says- From survival of the fittest to survival of the

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Why worry when life is Nothing,
Nothingness is the only truth :)
We laugh, we cry, we learn many lessons- science and behaviors and arts and what not.
But ultimately its all nothing.
Because we go into nothingess.
And that is the beauty of life.
We do everything for nothingness.
How crazy?

Secret of Happiness - Trust and Love in a Relationship

Happiness in Life

The TRUST you have in a relationship is the most important thing in life to be happy.
Yes, most of us know that relationships such as parent and child, husband and wife, are relationships that are built on the basis of trust. But when it fails, one can always see that the trust in that relationship is 0% or nil.

How do I say this? There are many things in life that we come across that teaches us many lessons in life. For example, one day me and my daughter were going through the newspaper. We came across a sad article that said that a 12th std student killed herself because she did not do her exam well. When we were contemplating over this, my daughter quickly said "even if I were to beg on the streets I would not kill myself, provided I have my mom around with me." That is very well said. I too felt the same. If I had my daughter by my side, I would never think of killing myself even in the worst of scenarios because I love my child and I trust her that she will be by my side always, even if the whole world was against me.

So on analyzing this, I understood that happiness in life comes through the bonding/trust we have with each relationship, mother-daughter, father-daughter, father-son, mother-son, husband-wife, friends, teacher-student, and any kind of good relationship. This can prevent us from any worst thought.

The moment we loose trust, we become sad. Also when we are young we are bogged down upon many false beliefs and attitudes that power and money can get whatever we want. Hence we give priority to these. People try to gain money through good education, hard work, and also contacts. It may be true t some extent but after a point the man made money or power is not everything in life.

Life teaches us its lessons through our own experiences. Of-course it can be varied. However I personally feel that trust and love you can have in a relationship is the secret of ones happiness.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

ZEN - Way of Life

Why Keep Silent in a ZEN center?

 All human interactions have an element of a fight for power in it if you look at them closely. If it is greeting somebody (or not) when walking past, shaking hands at a meeting or who goes first in traffic.

Fight for power

These little fights serve only one thing: our monkey-mind. When we think, we have won we score a point and the monkey can feel a little better about its self and feels a bit safer (until the next interaction). When we lose, we lose a point and the monkey is more scared for a while. You will feel this as an extra buildup of tension inside. We don’t do it on purpose or realize it exactly when it happens, but it is why human interaction is sometimes more difficult than it should be at first glance. We are afraid of not ‘winning’ and not scoring the points but instead losing and are afraid of the unrest that will follow.

Nothing to win

If we think about what happens on this monkey-mind level it is indeed very superficial; we don’t really ‘win’ anything. Although it might feel a bit safer to be better than the other, it has no guaranty whatsoever for your safety. It is an illusion. It is an old strategy that might have worked when people were living in small groups, and a higher place in the group hierarchy would mean better living conditions. However, in our modern cities the majority of the people we meet are not part of our ‘group’ and have little influence on our living circumstances. The ‘winner’ is supposed to be ‘stronger’ but is this true? Is the one who doesn’t greet or forcefully takes his place indeed higher ranked than we? Or does it take more strength to gracefullly step aside and let others go first?
I believe the rudest people are the most afraid. If you have enough inner strength, you do not have the need to feed the monkey and score a few points. Try to be the ‘weakest’ in your next encounter with another human being. Give precedence, step aside with a bow and enjoy the gratitude in their eyes. You will feel great!
Develop inner strength, be modest,

Sunday, March 28, 2010

How to make the world a better place to live

In my experience educating the children with right values is one of the best solutions that can help get rid of the many ills in society.
We need to condition the children to find happiness in giving.
We need to find happiness in respecting all living things.
Love and respect for all mankind irrespective of any differences is very important.
I wonder why all kinds of misery and unhappiness prevails in society. Its all bec of want for something, especially money and power. Why does one need these? Man feels elated and happy because he feels that the society respected him when he has the power and money. This is how the human mind is conditioned these days. If the basic value education inculcates (conditions) in every child that accumulating money is not good and love or all humans is the most important quality of life. The world will e a better place.

If anyone has any solution to make the world a better place please type in your comments.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Life is a life-long learning experience

I wanted to have a blog. But did not know what to blog about. The easiest topic I could think of was "Life". This topic is vast and anything can fit in to it. So I decided on this topic.
Life teaches us many lessons. It is such a beautiful experience. It is a wonderful one way journey. It would help me grow better and also help my daughter get a better idea about me and my life. It may also be interesting to my husband, sisters and parents.